Old Teaching Ebooks and Handouts

Image Processing with Matlab (1995)
This is my original teaching handout from I when I was a TA for an Image Processing Class at Yale (September 1995)
Programming for Medical Image Analysis using VTK

An Introduction to Programming for Medical Image Analysis with the Visualization Toolkit
(c) Copyright 2006 by Xenophon Papademetris
This book is an edited collection of class handouts that was written for the graduate seminar “Programming for Medical Image Analysis” (ENAS 920a). This class was taught at Yale University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, in the Fall of 2006. Some the comments in this draft version of the book reflect this fact. For example, see comments beginning “at Yale”. Also, the word “session” is often used interchangeably with the work “chapter”, this is also a leftover from the class handouts. Eventually, such comments will be corrected or removed from the text. Furthermore, many of the references that will appear in the final version, are still omitted. It is made available at this stage in the hope that it will be useful.

An Introduction to Programming for Medical Image Analysis with the Visualization Toolkit v2
(c) Copyright 2009 by Xenophon Papademetris and Alark Joshi
This book is an edited collection of class handouts that was written for the graduate seminar “Programming for Medical Image Analysis” (ENAS 920a). This class was taught at Yale University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, in the Fall of 2006 and again in the Spring 2009 semester. Some the comments in this draft version of the book reflect this fact. For example, see comments beginning “at Yale”. Furthermore, many of the references that will appear in the final version are still omitted. It is made available at this stage in the hope that it will be useful.

BioImage Suite Manual
(c) Copyright 2008. X. Papademetris, M. Jackowski, N. Rajeevan, R.T. Constable, and L.H Staib. Section of Bioimaging Sciences, Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale School of Medicine. All Rights Reserved
This is the manual for the legacy (obsolete) version of the BioImage Suite Software package. The modern web-based BioImage Suite can be accessed from www.bioimagesuiteweb.org.

Presentation Instructions
I wrote this quick (humorous) "ten commandments" for presentations for the needs of my undergraduates. You may find it useful. Here are the first two:
1. You shall make sure you are “technologically” prepared. Make sure your laptop has been recently rebooted, all updates have been installed and that you have all necessary cables. You should also switch your background to something boring and turn Wi-Fi off to avoid unnecessary notifications (or worse software updates).
2. You shall always respect your audience by ensuring that you arrive on time and that your talk will not run over the allotted time. Practice with a timer ahead of time.
(See the pdf on the left for more ...)